Gate City Elementary School Bus Arrival & Start Times
- Morning
Bus Arrival 8:00am
- Morning
Bell 8:20am
- Afternoon
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
Bus Departs 2:52pm
- Afternoon
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:40pm
- Afternoon
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
Bell Schedule
1st Bell: 8:20 a.m.
Tardy Bell: 8:25 a.m.
Exit Bell: 2:45 p.m. (Tuesday through Friday)
Early Release: 1:45 p.m. (Monday)
Student will be marked tardy if checked in from 8:25 - 9:30
Student will be marked tardy if checked out from 1:20 - 2:45
Student will be marked absent 1/2 day if missed more than 1 hr 20 minutes of the school day.
*If student is leaving for a medical appointment and returning, they must bring in a Dr.'s excuse to be excused for the time they are gone.
Morning Recess Schedule
1st and 2nd Grade: 10:00 to 10:15 a.m.
3rd Grade and ERR: 10:15 to 10:30 a.m.
4th and 5th Grade: 10:30-10:45 a.m.
Lunch Schedule
ERR 11:15-11:35
All Day Kindergarten: 11:20-12:00
1st Grade: 11:40-12:20
2nd Grade: 11:50-12:30
3rd Grade: 11:30-12:10
4th Grade: 12:00-12:40
5th Grade: 12:10-12:50