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September Gazette

September Gazette

Dear Grizzly Families,
It has been wonderful having our Grizzlies back in school. We are focusing on our school commitment of safety as we learn school and class routines, expectations and what it looks like to do our best Grizzly learning (engagement and participation).

Personal communication devices are stowed in back backs between morning and dismissal bells. Please call the office if you need to get a quick message to or would like to talk to your learner.

Once on campus, learners need to walk their wheels (bikes, scooters, skateboards for example) in an effort to help us keep themselves and others safe.

Please call the office when your child is absent and be sure to get those doctor notes to us if they miss/ are tardy for medical or therapy appointments.

Best wishes,
Mrs. Delonas

  • Mon. Sep. 2nd- NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
  • Wed. Sep. 4th- CAMP Grizzly activities @ 2pm
  • Wed. Sep. 11th- Lego Club (must have permission slip) 2:45-3:15 make transportation home arrangements ahead of time with your learner(s).
  • Tues. Sep. 17th- PTO meeting @ 11:30am Rm 20
  • Wed. Sep. 18th- Walk- A-Thon @ School 2nd-3rd grades 1:10-1:30 pm/ K-1st grades 1:40-2:00 pm/ 4th-5th grades 2:10-2:30 pm
  • Oct. 3rd & 4th- NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences (Schedule will be sent out closer to the date)